Free Astrology Chart: Moon

What does your Moon Zodiac Sign mean?

Your Moon Zodiac Sign is at the cusp of Capricorn and Aquarius

This means that on your birthday, Moon moved from Capricorn to Aquarius. This is very special and gives you attributes from two Zodaic Signs!

Here are your Moon Capricorn Zodiac Sign attributes:

The Moon rules our instinctive emotional reactions, and if you were born with the Moon in Capricorn, your instinctive reaction is to not react! This is a very cool and slightly distant placing for the Moon. Your emotional levels are strictly controlled, and you keep your feelings under lock and key. On the plus side, this means that you are able to cope with all kinds of difficulties in a stable and rational manner; on the minus side, it means that you can come across as cold and aloof.

You are very emotionally attached to your ambitions, and its vital for your emotional fulfilment that you do work towards your goals. If you are left drifting or unsure of your direction, youll find yourself stressed, anxious or even ill. A sense of purpose is essential for Moon in Capricorn people.

When things are not going your way, you can be very vocal in your displeasure, spreading a feeling of gloom and doom. This pessimism is unfortunate, as it can hold you back from finding practical solutions to your problems, even though youre very capable of doing so. Its essential that you find a way through the depression towards action, otherwise you tend to get stuck in a vicious circle.

Your determination levels are exceptionally strong, however, so you do normally force a path through even the toughest of circumstances, and you have the ability to reflect on your experiences and be thankful for them. Packed with common sense and with a dry but very amusing take on life, you are a fascinating friend and definitely someone with a tale or two to tell.

Here are your Moon Aquarius zodiac Sign attributes:

The Moon rules our emotional responses, and when the Moon is in Aquarius, the natural emotional response is, well, quite unemotional. You have your emotions strictly under control, and you give away very little to the outside world. Beneath your inscrutable mask, you deal with your feelings in a very logical, almost scientific way. This saves you from too much emotional heartache, but it does tend to give the unfortunate impression that you can be a little cold and detached.

Nonetheless, you are actually a very kind-hearted soul, and definitely a humanitarian. You will always do whatever you can to help someone who is in trouble, and your inventive, original mind can often come up with highly off the wall solutions which really do work.

Your moods are unpredictable, to say the least. Uranus rules Aquarius, and can mean that Moon in Aquarius people act quite perversely, doing what is least expected of them, sometimes purely in order to shock. You have been known to behave in a way that you know is not in your interests, but you do it to show that you can!

With a touch of genius in your imagination, you are a very capable thinker, but a stubborn one. In love, you are romantic, but only from a distance. You will create wonderful surprises for you lover, anonymously almost up close and personal you have slightly more trouble relating and letting your emotions go.