Here is your Tarot reading

Current Influences

Your present position. This card reveals influences, and shows the general direction of the reading.

Page of Pentacles

The Page is always an intellectual card, and the suit of Pentacles is traditionally associated with introspection and conscientiousness, which may form the basis of your own personality. When acting as a portent, the Page brings good tidings for you or young people close to you, likely in academic or financial fields.

Key interpretations:

  • Attentive
  • Motivated
  • Scholarship
  • Skillful
  • Studious

In this position, the card reveals:

Significant news is about to enter your life, possibly accompanied by a scholastic youth, trending towards the rebellious and overly confident in their opinions.


Immediate Influences. This card reveals the nature of the obstacles immediately before you.

The Lovers

Your first instinct will most likely be to associate this card as representing love, but, much like love, it is not quite that simple. Not only does love come in many forms, but the Lovers may indicate important or difficult choices ahead in your life. This is bad, in that the choices it signals are generally mutually exclusive, paths to two very different futures, but also good, in that it confirms that at least one of those paths will take you to a good place. As such, if you happen to find it in your spread, you should consider it carefully, but not fear it. It tells a story of difficult choices, likely painful, but that the correct decision and a positive outcome are within your grasp.

Key interpretations:

  • Attachment or combination
  • Conflicting choices
  • Partners
  • Relationships
  • Union

In this position, the card reveals:

Your values will be tested by the choices you must make, and the stakes are high.

Past Foundations

Recent influences or events in the past from which your current situation has arisen.

The World

The World is an indicator of a major and inexorable change, of tectonic breadth. This change represents a chance for you to bring about a desirable end to the Old and a good beginning to the New. It is indicative of growing maturity, a sense of inner balance and deeper understanding. It suggests that you may be approaching a more final sense of identity, and the security in the self that comes with age. It also represents the falling away of boundaries, sometimes in the effusive sense of the spiritual, but sometimes in a purely physical sense, indicating travels or journeys in the future.

Key interpretations:

  • Certainty
  • Completion
  • Positive
  • Reward
  • Satisfaction

In this position, the card reveals:

Your path has, and will, take you full circle.

Past Events

Reveals a recent influence or event which is coming to an end.

Three of Pentacles

If you can maintain a clear sense of purpose over the coming months, you are well positioned to see your hard work get the recognition it deserves. While it is not guaranteed, and it may tax your interpersonal skills, if you maintain your own pace and trust in others, recognition will be yours. That outcome will be worth your determination, as it may not only provide material reward, but also lead to a sense of lasting accomplishment.

Key interpretations:

  • Excellence
  • Mastery
  • Satisfaction
  • Success
  • Teamwork

In this position, the card reveals:

Your confidence in your own abilities has been growing. Continue to nurture that new-found assurance, but do not forget to also feed those abilities.

Goals and Destiny

Shows your desired goals and aims, and reveals the best outcome that can be achieved in your current situation.

Two of Pentacles

The Two of Pentacles is, as always, bound up in the forces of change, and of balance. Like its brothers, the Two of Pentacles can mean good or ill, but it as a strong indicator that the status quo will be disrupted. There will be challenges in your future, but your fate is largely in your own hands in the sense that the final outcome depends own how you respond to these challenges. This card suggests your best outcome is one that can be reached through prudence and careful planning.

Key interpretations:

  • Balance
  • Fluctuating Wealth
  • Juggling
  • Prudence
  • Transfer or Exchange

In this position, the card reveals:

Success lies in a one direction for you. Plot a path to your goals and follow it with absolute determination.


Reveals a new influence that will soon be brought to bear in your life.

Eight of Swords

Some things in life are beyond your control, and the Eight of Swords suggests that you are being actively held back by some of them. This can be something as personal as a bad boss or as sweeping as international politics. In any case, you are likely finding your options restricted at every turn, and may be experiencing rising frustration and anxiety. Your best course of action lies with the only thing you can control: You. Approach this situation with patience, and be ready to move when the situation changes.

Key interpretations:

  • Constraint
  • Disillusioned
  • Frustration
  • Obstacles
  • Restrictions

In this position, the card reveals:

You will miss important chances in life if you let a lack of confidence in yourself rule your better judgment.

The Querant (you)

This card reveals your negative feelings, and provides additional information about how you feel in your present environment..

Five of Pentacles

The Five of Pentacles can, depending on the rest of your spread, refer to financial matters, employment, or relationships. Unfortunately, it is a negative indicator for all of them, suggesting duplicity, loss of jobs, and the possibility of infidelity. This is a time for you to carefully evaluate what matters in your life and work out your priorities, such as whether your job or your relationship matters most. In order to mitigate the damage in some areas of your life, you may have to let some of the others fall away.

Key interpretations:

  • Emotional or Financial troubles
  • Inadequacy
  • Poverty
  • Scarcity
  • Worry

In this position, the card reveals:

Your heart can lead you to sorrow, and you would benefit from listening to your own good sense for a time.

Friends and Family

This card shows your influence on the people around you, and their influence on you. It also shows how they fit into your home, work, and surroundings.

Eight of Wands

Prepare yourself for an abrupt increase in the pace of your life. Things are about to get very busy. The good news is that any projects you begin will progress quickly, you will experience few delays, and the conclusion is likely to be successful. This card is also good news for relationships, although it raises the possibility of needing to travel for relationships. All things considered, this is a good card to find in your spread, as long as you are willing to buckle down and get to work.

Key interpretations:

  • Hasty actions
  • Journey and Travel
  • A Journey or Flight
  • Motion
  • End to a delay

In this position, the card reveals:

Love may come upon you suddenly.

Hopes, Fears, and Ideals

Your inner emotions.

Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups encourages you to remember that victory is not just an exercise in strength of arms, but can be achieved through cleverness and a savvy mind. He can also be given to flights of wild fancy, so you may also interpret him as a warning to maintain your focus. New initiatives in your life are likely on their way, and you must remember to seek novel paths to accomplish goals, but also not lose sight of where you are going.

Key interpretations:

  • Arrival
  • Creative
  • Invitation
  • New opportunities
  • Proposal

In this position, the card reveals:

You must unite you mind, body, and spirit to secure your ambitions.

The Final Outcome

This card reveals the final outcome to your question. It's the product of all the other influences shown in this spread.

Queen of Cups

Sensitivity and an affectionate nature are traditionally associated with the Queen of Cups, who is the emotionally open balance to the King. Despite her open nature, you will still find her influence to be largely passive. Particularly for men, her presence is a reminder to stay in touch with the emotional aspects of their character. You should take her presence as a gentle hand seeking to show you the power of your own inner aspects, whose power may be obscured by their quiet nature.

Key interpretations:

  • Intuitive
  • Mature, Sensitive Woman
  • Spouse
  • Virtuous
  • Wise

In this position, the card reveals:

You have two roads ahead of you, one leading to emotional fulfillment, the other to professional success.

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