Trusted Tarot Manifestation Guide: Day 2

Yesterday you decided what you wanted to manifest. Deciding what you want is a crucial step in the manifestation process, but there is a piece missing. When you focus all your energy on wanting something, you are telling the Universe that you do not have it - and the Universe reciprocates by not giving it to you. It is a difficult concept to understand, but wanting something is putting emphasis on the fact you do not have it. You need to reverse this energy, and tell the universe you already have it!

Day 2: Imagine having what you really want

At the end of today you need to have a clear image of ultimate desire in your mind, but taken to the next level. Take the image you created yesterday and write it down - but put it in the present. Instead of saying you want something, imagine you already have it. Write a detailed description of what it's like to have already accomplished your goal. Describe what it looks like, what it feels like. It may sound simple and strange at a high level, but I hope this makes sense. Instead of putting out energy that you want something, you are putting out energy that you already have it. Spend an hour today thinking about already having achieved your goal. Manifestation requires a crystal clear picture of already having what you want... so paint it in your mind's eye.

Here is an example:

Before I met my husband, my ultimate goal was to be in love. I would constantly ask the universe "Why am I so lonely?" and I would wish everyday that I could meet the man of my dreams. But I was wrong. All I was doing was telling the universe that I was alone and unhappy - so I stayed that way. When I finally discovered the power of manifestation, I imagined that I was already in love. I knew what it felt like... and when the time was right, the universe brought my future husband and me together.

Yesterday when you were describing your ultimate goal, you were probably focused on wanting something... but that is very intangible. Take your want, your ultimate goal that is in the past tense, and update it to the present tense.

Your homework for the next few days is to wake up every morning and spend at least half an hour imagining already having achieved your goal. Visualize having what you really want in as much detail as possible. Like yesterday, it is preferable to do this in a peaceful place where you will not be distracted and give yourself some time to think. Practicing this first thing in the morning and again before you go to bed is a good start. To progress to the next stage of manifestation, you to be confident and convince your subconscious that you already have achieved your goal.

This is a challenging step, so I will give you a few days to get used to it. I will follow up soon with step 3.

Practice hard!
