Free Astrology Chart: Your Star Sign

What does your Star Sign mean?

When you were born the Sun was in Aries

This means that your Star Sign is Aries!

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac for a reason - Arian energies are all about initiative, beginnings, enterprise, courage and bravery. Ruled by Mars, Aries people are generally strong willed, determined and fearless. Born to be first or best at everything you do, you are among the pioneers and warriors of the zodiac.

You are impulsive, reacting quickly to the world around you, and you hate wasting time. While some would call your choices and decisions courageous, others might call them reckless! You are the sun sign which will rush in where others fear to tread, but, more often than not, it works out well for you - you have the skills and the attitude to back up this rashness, and your impatience means that you will find a solution to any problems quickly and without fuss.

Mars brings you a great deal of passion and energy, so you are an ardent lover and a vibrant soul. All that passion is frequently expressed as temper, however, and you are frankly quite scary to be around when you lose that temper. You're supremely confident, but there's a fine line between assertiveness and aggression, and it's a line you sometimes find yourself crossing.

As the first sign of the zodiac, you do sometimes have a tendency to think that life is all about me, me, me! This selfishness can come out as petulance when you're not getting your own way; at other times, you don't mean to be selfish, but you find it difficult to put the needs of others ahead of your own wants and desires. The exception to this is when you are called upon to defend your family, friends or loved ones - you will fight tooth and nail to keep your loved ones safe, and will put yourself at risk to do so.