Manifestation Guide Day 3

On Step 1 of the Manifestation Guide, you decided what you really wanted:

You wanted something you knew you did not have

You knew what you wanted, but in your reality it did not exist. Choosing one ultimate desire is an important step because you cannot manifest something unless you know what you really want. This also helps you focus your energy towards one goal... but it is the lowest level of manifestation becase you are putting out energy that tells the Universe you do not have what you want.

On Step 2, you took your manifestation to the next level by imagining having what you want.

You imagined having what you desire

This is a difficult step, because it is hard imagining something that does not exist yet... but this is how you get it. To attract something, you need to radiate the right kind of energy - and I trust that you have been visualizing having what you really want every morning and every night since my last email.

Manifestation Guide: Day 3

Now we will advance your manifestation to the next level once again.

You need to be thankful for having what you desire.

Step three is being thankful that you already have what you want

Say it out loud, right now. "I am thankful that...". This will help you convince your subconscious that you truly have what you desire.

It's a subte difference, but the key here is changing the frequency of the energy you are putting out. By being thankful, you are telling the world in the most concrete way possible that you have achieved your goal.

This week, every morning and every evening while you envision having your ultimate desire - be thankful that you have it. And say it out loud: "I am thankful that I have...".

After you have practised this enough, I will follow up with the last step.

Your friend,