What is Numerology?

The ultimate guide to Numerology and how to understand the true meaning of numbers!

what is numerology

Numerology is the study of numbers and how they affect our lives and the universe. The idea is that certain numbers can tell us about ourselves on a spiritual level. They have different meanings when it comes to our personalities, aspirations, and potentials. They can even be a resource for self-development!

Even though these numbers tell us about who we are and where we can go in life, they don’t determine those things directly nor are they meant to be a fortune telling tool. They function more like hints and guidelines to let us know who we can be if we choose to reach our greatest potential (and sometimes who we can be at our worst).

Different numbers apply to different aspects of our lives. We have a Life Path number, an Expression number, Personality and Heart’s Desire numbers, and many more that relate to different pieces of ourselves. Repeating and recurring numbers factor in, too! There’s a lot to explore, so why don’t we start at the beginning?

Origins of Numerology

No one actually knows for sure where, when, or how numerology originated. Some people think it started in the Middle East, near Egypt. Others say it began in Southern Europe. And others still point to East Asia, in China and Japan. Each of these places has numerology records from thousands of years ago (in other words, wherever it started, it’s a REALLY old practice).

There are three different types of numerology. Kabbalah Numerology, sometimes called name numerology, has Hebrew origins and incorporates the 22 vibrations of the Hebrew alphabet. (This may be related to the 22 Major Arcana in tarot.) This type of numerology deals only with names, and not dates like the other types.

Chaldean Numerology began in Mesopotamia and also deals with numeric vibrations. The Chaldean system uses the numbers 1 through 8 and assigns them energy levels. In this type of numerology, single digit numbers represent the part of the self you show the outside world whereas double digits represent the inner self.

Pythagorean Numerology is the most widely known and widely practiced in the modern world. Similar to Chaldean Numerology, it uses the numbers 1 through 9 and their vibrations to divine greater meaning. Pythagoras took numerology even further than others - he used names, birth dates, and relationships between all of these numbers to try to predict people’s futures.

Interestingly enough, even though these forms of numerology all came from different areas of the world, the similarities are staggering. That’s not to say that Pythagoras didn’t know and use elements of the earlier forms (he did, and lots of them), but to develop so that all three interconnect isn’t a coincidence. After all, Pythagoras is best known for the Pythagorean Theorem, which is used in high school geometry classes around the world. He had just as much of a hand in the progression of numerology and astrological science as he did in academic maths.

Over time, there’s been more and more interest in numerology and other types of astrology. Maybe you practice some forms yourself! It’s a vast ocean of information, and it’s impossible to get through all of it in one go. Still, I’ll give you as much information on numerology as I can here so you can get a strong start!

Life Path Number

Your Life Path number is kind of all-encompassing. It’s pretty much the most basic number you have to know in order to find out what the universe has in store for your potential. Does that mean it determines your destiny? Well, not exactly. It’s like a guide that you can choose to follow.

Your Life Path number tells you what you’re capable of at your best (and your worst). It reveals your overall personality, and it’s the most important number in your numerology chart. You can think of it as your life’s purpose. And yes, we’re still working with numbers 1 through 9, so people with different numbers may have a common goal that manifests in different ways.

There are upsides and downsides to each number, and now might be a good time to tell you that ALL of the numbers in your chart affect each other. You might have a Life Path number 1, but your Day of Birth number 2 might offset some of those characteristics. After all, a 1 for your Life Path often means you’re a born leader while a Day of Birth 2 can mean you prefer the sidelines.

So how do you calculate your Life Path number? It’s a simple formula - you probably don’t even need a calculator. All you have to do is add up the numbers in your date of birth. I wrote out an example below:

Say your birthday is March 7, 1992. You’d add up the month, day, and year individually like this: March (3rd month) = 3
7th day = 7
1992 = 1+9+9+2 = 21

Then add all these numbers together:
21+7+3 = 31

Lastly, add the numbers in this sum until you get a single digit.
31 = 3+1 = 4

And there you have it - your Life Path number is 4!

There are a couple of irregularities in this little equation. When it comes to the numbers 11, 22, and 33, you don’t add those for single digits. Those are master numbers, and they carry a little more spiritual energy than the rest. This doesn’t apply to other double digit numbers past 3. See the correlation with Pythagoras and his triangles?

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